Worth the Read

One thing I love to do is read/hear stories of people who started their own business, especially businesses where a person is making their own products. I ran across a story that combined both of these. Not sure what lead me to click on a headline that involved the phrase “Jewelry Empire” , but I’m glad I did. The article told the story of jewelry retailer Kendra Scott. She started in her apartment and will have 38 locations by the end of the year. Her hard work, grit, and failure-is-not-an-option attitude are inspirational. If you’re contemplating starting a business I think it’d be worth your time to read. you can find the article here.

Worth the Read

Every now and then I come across an article that I think is really worthwhile for you to read. I’ll be posting them under the title “Worth the Read.” The following one is titled “Dying at Europe’s Doorstep” by Brad Wieners at Bloomberg. It tells the story of Christopher and Regina Catrambone and their effort to save the lives of ,migrants at sea. So far they’ve saved hundreds of lives. I found the article inspiring and it highlighted an issue I was not aware of. I hope you find it worth your time. You can find it here.

You can learn more about their nonprofit Migrant Offshore Aid Station(MOAS) here.